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Dog Party Day

June 15, 2021

June 15th is Dog Party Day! This is a great time of year to get outdoors with Fido and enjoy some fun in the sun. This summer is definitely looking a lot better than last year’s, as people are finally getting back out into the world. Many of our canine pals also didn’t get to socialize as much this year as they usually do. It will be good for Fido to get out and play with his friends. Read on as a Burlington, ON vet suggests some great ideas for a dog party.


If you have a fenced yard and you’re feeling up to it, invite some friends and family members with friendly, well-behaved dogs over. If your place isn’t a great location, move the affair to a pet-friendly park. Look for a fenced-in one that has grills and perhaps a swimming area.


Taking a few precautions with the guest list can save you a lot of trouble later. Make sure that all of Fido’s buddies have been fixed and microchipped, and are current on their parasite control. Vaccinations should also be up to date.


As far as the menu, a potluck-style setup will work great, as it splits the cost and work up among everyone. Have everyone bring a dish and a bag of treats for the pooches. Just try to limit foods that aren’t safe for dogs. Some common ones include chocolate, avocado, garlic and onions, grapes and raisins, and anything that contains xylitol. Ask your vet for more information.


Be sure to provide lots of toys for your canine companions. Make sure that there’s plenty of everything to go around. You don’t want Fido and his buddies arguing over who gets to play with the squeaky stuffed unicorn toy!


Want to see lots of happy dogs? Make them some pupsicles. Put bits of kibble, cheese, bacon bits, and shredded meat into an ice cube tray. Then, pour-sodium free beef or chicken broth over the mix, and freeze. Voila!


Always put safety first! Keep a close eye on the pooches, and don’t let them run around off-leash in unfenced areas. You’ll also need to set out lots of water bowls. Waste baggies are also a must. Don’t forget to pick up after the pups!

As your local Burlington, ON veterinary clinic, we are here to help! Call us anytime!

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