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Microchip Basics

July 15, 2024

Have you chipped your pet? If not, we strongly encourage you to schedule this as soon as possible. Although the microchip is little, it has a significant impact on your pet’s life. In this article, a veterinarian from Burlington, ON responds to some microchip-related inquiries.

What Exactly Is A Pet Microchip?

Microchips are radio-frequency identification (RFID) implants, also known as transponders, that are implanted into extremely small containers, which are usually no larger than a single grain of rice.

Microchips don’t send or store data. (Unfortunately, the chip will not reprogram your dog to stop chasing squirrels or stop Fluffy from knocking stuff off your desk.) Every chip has a single piece of information: a unique identification number. This is legible on a modern scanner.

What Is the Microchipping Process Like For Pets?

Microchipping your pet is a quick and simple procedure that takes only a few minutes. It is frequently scheduled concurrently with spay/neuter surgery for convenience. However, it is feasible to complete it on one’s own.

The procedure is quick and easy. Your Burlington, ON veterinarian will use a hypodermic needle to put the chip beneath your pet’s skin, typically between the shoulder blades. That is all there is to it.

In terms of recovery time, a special treat, a snooze, and some forehead scritches should be enough. Of course, Fido and Fluffy would welcome a new toy and possibly some additional cuddles!

How Does My Pet’s Microchip Connect Them To Me?

Remember the ID number we discussed earlier? That number is linked to your details in the chip manufacturer’s database. This is how you and your pet form an unseen bond.

Once your pet has been microchipped, you must update your information in the chipmaker’s database. However, you will not need to interact with the chip itself.

For more information, talk to your Burlington, ON veterinarian, 

What Happens After My Pet Is Microchipped?

Microchipping is usually a one-time operation. You won’t have to interface with the actual chip. However, if your email address or phone number changes, please correct this information. If your contact information is wrong or out of current, the chip is worthless!

Having your veterinarian examine the chip during your pet’s routine visit is also a smart idea. This is just to make sure it hasn’t fallen out of place or failed.

Why Should I Microchip My Pet?

Microchips have permitted the joyous reunions of hundreds, if not millions, of missing pets with their devastated owners, many of whom have been missing for years! This is an essential component of responsible pet ownership. Don’t make the mistake of assuming that your pet will never get lost, stolen, or run away. Actually, one out of every three pets will go missing at some point throughout their lifetime! Unfortunately, only about 10% of non-microchipped pets ever come home. Ohio State University conducted research and discovered that microchipped dogs were returned to their owners at a considerably higher proportion than non-microchipped stray dogs (52.2% vs. 21.9%). Similarly, microchipped cats had a much higher likelihood of returning home than unchipped cats (38.5% vs. 1.8%). Ask your vet for more information. 

Can A Microchip Locate A Missing Pet?

No. Microchips are not now compatible with GPS tracking and are unlikely (though not impossible) to become so in the future. GPS systems require power to work. Clearly, adding batteries to Fido and Fluffy is not an option. While we may eventually discover a power source that runs on purrs and tail wags, technology has not yet advanced to that point.

Some products, such as pet doors and bowls, may be linked to microchips. These doors, for example, let Fido access and exit the yard via a doggy door … while keeping the cute raccoon in your yard out of your kitchen. If Fluffy and Mittens have different feeding habits, you can purchase dishes that only open for the appropriate furball.

Do I Need to Get a GPS Tag for My Pet?

GPS tags are great inventions, especially for those with pets that like to roam. Do your homework before making a purchase. There are a variety of goods available. They differ greatly in terms of subscription pricing, range, technology, battery life, and water resistance. Some use Wi-Fi or mobile towers, while others rely on satellite communications.

How Long Do Pet Microchips Last?

Microchips currently have a lifespan of approximately 25 years. That is definitely beyond the lifespans of dogs and cats.  Of course, if your pet happens to be one of the few that lives longer than that, you may need to revisit this. (Fun fact: the world’s oldest known cat was a kitty named Cream Puff, who lived to be 28.)

Are Pet Microchips Worth It?

Yes, yes, yes! A microchip is a low-cost, one-time investment that could help save your pet’s life! Having one and not needing it is obviously preferable to needing one and not having it.

Can You Microchip Your Pet At Home?

Absolutely not! This is a medical treatment that should only be conducted by a trained veterinary professional. Attempting to do it alone might be disastrous. You will not only put your pet at risk, but you may also face legal consequences. In some situations, this may be considered animal abuse, which is a felony offense. In this scenario, the risks definitely outweigh the benefits.

Is It Harmful To Microchip My Pet?

Microchipping is incredibly safe. Your pet may experience edema and/or itching. This normally resolves after a day or two. Of course, if the condition continues, you should call your veterinarian right away. However, this is exceedingly unlikely.

What Are The Benefits Of Microchips?

Microchips serve as an unseen safety net for you and your pet. They offer a few benefits that tags do not. First and most importantly, they are irreversible. They are harder to remove than collars and tags, and your pet will not rip or bite them.

You won’t have to do anything with the chip itself. However, you will need to update your information in the manufacturer’s database if you move or change phone numbers. That’s usually easy, though: simply log in to your manufacturer account and make the necessary changes. 

Another important benefit of microchips? They are also valid in court. This could very well be a game changer in theft investigations!

Are Identification Tags Still Required?

Absolutely! Tags remain the simplest way for someone to connect you and your pet. They are also required by law in various regions.

Can A Smartphone Scan Microchips?

Sadly, no. Smartphones can do a variety of jobs, but there are no apps for reading chips. Because microchips use a distinct technology that is fundamentally incompatible with smartphone technology, this is unlikely to change. Though, it will be interesting to see how these develop in the future.

Can A Magnet Remove a Pet’s Microchip?

No. Magnetic fields do not exist in microchips, so magnets do not affect them.

Schedule A Microchipping Appointment With Your Burlington, ON Veterinarian

Is it important to have your pet microchipped? Make an appointment with a veterinary office in Burlington, ON. We are dedicated to providing top-notch care and great service! 

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