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Frogs As Pets

April 15, 2024

Save A Frog Day is right around the corner! This is a great opportunity to raise awareness about these amazing creatures. We are delighted to give our little amphibious friends a chance to shine. Continue reading as a local Burlington, ON veterinarian delves into the fascinating world of pet frogs.

What Is Save the Frogs Day?

Save the Frogs Day was established in 2008 by Dr. Kerry Kriger, an amphibian biologist with the Save The Frogs organization. The objective, as you may have already guessed, is to help frogs, with a particular focus on spreading awareness about the challenges that amphibians face. Save The Frogs Day has quickly become a global phenomenon, with over 1500 events held in at least 58 countries since its inception. 

What Sets Frogs Apart From Toads?

This is one of those things that many people learn in school and then quickly forget. Every toad is a type of frog, but not every frog is a toad. Frogs typically inhabit aquatic environments, whereas toads are more adapted to terrestrial habitats. Frogs also lack the bumpy texture found on the skin of toads.

Are Frogs Good Pets?

This is a clear example of beauty being in the eye of the beholder. Some individuals are completely and utterly enamored with frogs. Others? Not quite. 

One great thing about frogs is that they require very little maintenance. They will require their environment to be correctly set up, but after that is out of the way, you won’t need to do much for your little buddy on a daily basis.

Watching frogs can be quite fascinating. Their habitats can create visually stunning pieces. Additionally, they are quite affordable. Your pet will require no training, and they will refrain from chewing your shoes or leaving hairballs on the rug.  

Yet another major advantage? They’re rather inexpensive; the habitat setup will probably be your biggest expense.

What Are The Drawbacks Of Having A Pet Frog? 

One major concern is their potential to carry salmonella. This is definitely something to be aware of if your youngster requests a frog. It’s important to ensure that your child washes their hands thoroughly before and after touching their pet.

Certain frogs require a diet of live bugs, which might not be ideal for those who are easily grossed out. They’re not known for being the most sociable pets. While some are adorable, others seem to just lounge around contemplating … well, we have no idea what. Flies, maybe. Don’t expect your little buddy to hop around with excitement when you get home. (Top hats and tap dances are also out of the question.)

What Makes Frogs So Beneficial?

Every living being, even those we may not particularly like, such as mosquitos, has a crucial role to fulfill within their respective ecosystems. Frogs are incredible creatures that play a vital role in maintaining the balance of nature. They have an insatiable appetite for bugs, devouring billions of them each year. They also provide food for other animals. Another aspect of their unofficial role is creating a pleasant ambiance in rural environments.

Over the past few years, the frog has assumed a significantly more significant role: acting as an indicator species for the well-being of their natural habitats.

What Are The Best Pet Frogs For Beginners?

Doing adequate research is important prior to acquiring any kind of animal companion. This is very important when it comes to frogs because many things are very different between types.

That said, we are hoppy to offer this selection of excellent frogs for beginners:

The Gray Tree Frog

The Gray Tree frog is a small and nocturnal creature that is quite low-maintenance. It doesn’t require any specific humidity or temperature levels, although it does benefit from UVB light. They have a wide range of dietary options, but prefer their food to be in motion.

The American Bullfrog

Jeremiah holds the remarkable distinction of being the largest frog in North America, and can get as long as eight inches. Incredible leapers, these guys can cover an impressive distance of up to six feet in a single bound! This particular frog species is not the easiest to take care of. They prefer semi-aquatic habitats and will need to have their living space cleaned on a daily basis.

The Pixie Frog

Despite its name, the Pixie frog is actually one of the largest frogs in the world. Actually, they come in second place after the Goliath frog, which can be over a foot long. 

The Pixie frog can grow up to ten inches in size. As you might guess, they need pretty big habitats! However, they are quite sturdy and require minimal care. They can live up to 20 years. Like many of our other patients, they have a tendency to be overweight.

The Amazon Milk Frog

These adorable tree frogs have a lovely combination of brown and white colors, complemented by their blue feet. The name of these creatures comes from the milky substance they release from their backs when threatened. They can get quite large, reaching up to 5 inches in size. A fairly spacious enclosure, with a consistent temperature range of 70 to 85F, is required for their care. We suggest getting more than one, as they are very sociable.

The PacMan Frog

This individual hails from Argentina and earned his moniker due to his huge mouth. Their vibrant colors, slightly grouchy expressions, and undeniable passion for food make them pretty cute pets. They require habitats with a moist and fairly humid environment. Unlike some frogs, they do have specific lighting needs. It’s worth noting that they thrive on live food, so that’s something to consider.

The White’s Tree Frog

The White’s tree frog is a popular choice among newbies, due to their small size and low maintenance requirements. It can withstand a variety of temperatures, although ideally its habitat should remain within the range of 75 to 85 degrees. These guys have a reputation for being exceptionally composed and amiable.  (They’re also absolutely adorable!)

It is important to conduct thorough research before adopting a frog. Don’t be afraid to seek advice from your Burlington, ON veterinarian!

How Can One Provide Enrichment For A Frog?

Let’s be honest. Certain frogs don’t really do much at all. Nevertheless, even the most laid-back pet requires a bit of amusement. Creating an engaging environment is crucial. Your pet will entertain themselves exploring the different elements in their environment, such as climbing branches, cozy hidey holes, and the lush foliage of plants and leaves. Ask your Burlington, ON vet for tips.

How Can You Tell If A Frog Is Sick?

Determining if your pet is sick can be challenging, especially if you’re new to frog ownership. Frogs can be susceptible to various illnesses, such as parasites, viruses, chlamydiosis, thiamine deficiency, fungal diseases, mycobacteriosis, metabolic bone disease, and obesity. Ask your veterinarian for personalized guidance, including signs of sickness.

What’s a Good Frog Joke?

Why are frogs so happy?  They eat whatever bugs them!

Hop On In To Our Burlington, ON Animal Clinic!

Do you need any help with frog care? Feel free to ask! Feel free to reach out to us, your Burlington, ON animal clinic, at any time. We are always happy to help!

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