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Summertime Puppy Paw Care

July 1, 2023

Has a new puppy just joined your household? Congratulations! Getting a puppy isn’t all cuddles and playtime, though. You’ll need to show little Fido the ins and outs of being a Very Good Boy. Part of that entails getting him used to having his paws handled. A local Aldershot, ON veterinarian offers some advice on this below.


This is definitely the time to get your canine pal used to having his claws clipped. Overgrown nails interfere with your dog’s gait and stance, which can cause issues over time. Start by getting him used to having his feet and toes handled. Offer him yummy snacks as you do this. Once he’s adjusted to that, run the clippers over his claws. Then, start making them click, but don’t cut yet. You can also get your pooch used to a nail grinder.


Swimming isn’t right for all dogs, so before giving little Fido swim lessons, you’ll want to check with your vet. If you get the all clear, start gently teaching him how to navigate water. (Some dogs are naturals at this. Others? Not so much. But that’s another topic.) Your canine companion’s paw pads will be very delicate when he gets out of the water. Don’t bring him onto any hot or harsh ground right away. Keep him on soft grass at first. You’ll also want to introduce paw balm … or even booties.


When it comes to training, you want to start with the basics, such as Sit, Stay, Heel, and Come. Once that’s done, you can move on to some fancy footwork. Training little Fido to Gimme Paw may seem like just a cute trick, but it can actually be quite useful. You can also go for Shake or High Five. The idea is to teach your canine buddy to think pawsitively about having his furry feet handled.


Get little Fido used to having his feet wiped down before he goes into the house. You may even be able to teach him to wipe his own paws. This will not only come in handy for keeping Fido from tracking mud everywhere, but it can also get pollen and lawn/garden chemicals off his feet. As you probably guessed, treats and praise are crucial here.

Do you have questions about your dog’s health or care? Contact us, your Aldershot, ON pet clinic, today!

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