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Dressing Fido For Winter

November 1, 2022
Winter is coming up quickly. Does your dog have thin fur? If so, he may need some extra protection against the cold. While some of our canine buddies absolutely love to romp and play in the snow, others really struggle with the cold. A local Burlington, ON vet offers some advice on choosing Fido’s doggy wardrobe in this article.


First and foremost, you’ll need to make sure that your furry buddy’s things fit him properly. Take Fido’s measurements before buying anything. Measure the width of his chest, the circumference of his neck and torso, and the distance from his neck to the base of his tail. (Tip: keep these measurements with you, so you always have them handy. You can easily store them in your wallet or on your phone.)


Not all of our four-legged friends need to wear jackets. Pups with thick coats, such as huskies, already have ample protection against the cold. In fact, some dogs will overheat with outfits on. If you aren’t sure if Fido needs winter gear, check with your vet.


There are a few things to keep in mind as far as safety. Avoid things with buttons or dangling parts. Your canine buddy may be tempted to chew or eat them. That could be quite dangerous! It’s also best to stay away from pieces with zippers. These can get caught in your pup’s fur, which could be very painful.


Fido really should have a few types of clothing. A warm sweater will keep him comfy on those bitter cold days, while a light jacket may suffice for fall and spring. Your furry friend may also appreciate having a raincoat for soggy weather. It’s best to have extras of all of these things. That way, if one of Fido’s outfits is wet, dirty, or in the wash, he’ll still have something clean to wear.


Before buying anything, remember to check the label for cleaning instructions. Unless you don’t mind frequent trips to the dry cleaners, pick things you can just toss into the wash.


Have some fun dressing Fido! A pampered princess pooch may look really cute in something pink and sparkly, while a playful Boxer may be adorable in a doggy sports jersey. Do you have any questions or concerns about caring for your dog? Contact us, your local Burlington, ON animal clinic, today!

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