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Fall Cat Care

October 15, 2022
Autumn is here, and the temperatures are dropping quickly. If you have an older cat, you’re going to need to show your feline pal some extra TLC as it gets cold. Here, a Burlington, ON vet discusses keeping Fluffy happy, healthy, and purring over the next few weeks.


Fall is a peak shedding time: kitties shed more heavily at this time of year, as they change into their winter clothes. Brush your furry little diva regularly. This will remove dead hair and dander, and will also maximize the insulating properties of her coat.


Cats are usually pretty good about not eating dangerous foods, but there’s still a risk. Some furballs will eat, well, pretty much anything. Others will take things if coaxed to. (This can be an issue with children, as youngsters may innocently try to share their treats.) Don’t give Fluffy any candies, or anything with chocolate, raisins, nuts, or xylitol. Ask your vet for more information.


It’s always cute seeing Fluffy hard at play. However, she doesn’t always choose safe playthings. Many decorative items are choking and/or entanglement hazards for cats. Keep anything potentially dangerous out of paws’ reach. That includes things like small or sharp objects, plastic bags or ties, and anything fragile. Items with ropes and cords, such as fake spiderwebs, garlands, ribbons, string lights, are also unsafe. Kitties can’t resist anything that dangles!

Ground Your Cat

Traffic, weather, and wild animals are always risks, but their dangers are exacerbated at this time of year. The roads are quite busy around the autumn holiday. Plus, it’s starting to get cold, and wild or stray animals may be preparing to hibernate and/or struggling to find food. Keep your feline buddy in!

Parasite Control

Fleas and ticks don’t go away in fall. In fact, many will want to get inside, where it’s warmer. Keep up with Fluffy’s parasite control!


Antifreeze, rodenticides, pesticides, medicine, automotive products, and other chemicals all pose a serious threat to your feline friend. Fluffy only needs to walk through a patch or puddle of chemicals to be in trouble, as she can then ingest chemicals just by cleaning herself.


Kitties need extra cuddles when it’s cold or damp out. Pay extra attention to Fluffy! Please contact us, your Burlington, ON pet clinic, for tips on caring for your senior cat. We’re here to help!

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