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Entertaining Your Hedgehog

June 1, 2022
Have you recently adopted a hedgehog? Congratulations! You’ve chosen a really cute pet. These guys need entertainment and enrichment, just like any other pet. A Burlington, ON vet offers some hedgehog entertainment ideas below.


You probably won’t find a lot of toys that were made specifically for Hedgie, so you’ll want to raid the cat and dog toy sections. You may also find some toddler playthings work. Choose things that are pretty sturdy, such as rawhide chews, balls, small cars, and stuffed animals. Hedgehogs can’t see well, so they tend to go for brightly-colored toys. Just be sure to stick with safe items. Don’t give your hedgehog anything with small parts, sharp edges, or dangling ropes. Ask your vet for specific recommendations.


Many smaller pets love to explore tunnels and mazes. Hedgie is no exception to that rule! You can find labyrinths and tunnels in pet stores, but you can also make them out of PVC pipe or shoeboxes. Hiding snacks in your pet’s tunnels will make this even more fun for him. Just make sure the tunnel is big enough, so your little buddy won’t get stuck.


Hedgie often likes playing with cardboard boxes. You can make lots of suitable toys out of cardboard boxes or tubes. Look online for ideas.

Hangout Time

Many hedgehogs are a bit shy at first, but they should warm up over time. Be very gentle handling Hedgie! If he curls up, just let him be until he relaxes. He may enjoy snuggling up in a pouch or pet tent.

Exercise Wheel

Many pocket pets like exercise wheels. Hedgie is no exception! Just be sure to choose a solid one: the wire wheels can be dangerous.


You can let Hedgie out of his cage for a while for some carefully-supervised playtime. Just be sure to remove anything that could be dangerous from the area first!

Fun Center

This one may require a bit more room, but can be very convenient. Get a kiddie pool, and turn it into a hedgehog playground by incorporating all of the things we mentioned above. One benefit of this? You won’t have to worry about your tiny pal escaping. Hedgehogs can’t climb, so your pet will be safely contained in his playground. Do you have questions or concerns about hedgehog care? As your Burlington, ON animal clinic, we are here to help!

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