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National Walk ‘n’ Roll Dog Day

September 15, 2021

There’s a pretty new pet holiday coming up, and it’s definitely a very touching one. National Walk ‘n’ Roll Day is September 22nd! In case you’re wondering what this holiday is for, it’s dedicated to dogs in wheelchairs. The holiday was started in honor of a dachshund, Frankie, who became paralyzed after taking a bad fall. The pup’s owner, author Barbara Techel, got the little guy set up on wheels, and then decided to help raise awareness and resources for dogs in wheelchairs. A Burlington, ON vet discusses pups on wheels below.

Tail Wags

Why get Fido a wheelchair? It keeps medical issues from preventing him from doing the things dogs love to do! One of the wonderful things about our canine buddies is the fact that they often don’t seem to care about things like missing limbs. They’ll just go on about their lives, as happy and lovable as any other pooch. All you have to do is look at the faces of dogs in wheelchairs. Some of them are clearly over the moon to be mobile again!


Wheelchairs are often helped to use pups that are missing limbs, or are suffering from paralysis. However, they can help many other pooches too. Some of the dogs you may find rolling around include pets with arthritis, hip dysplasia, neurological issues, balance problems. Wheelchairs can also be useful for dogs that are recovering from surgery.

Getting Fido On Wheels

There are different types of doggy wheelchairs available. Some offer additional support, while others take on the entire weight of Fido’s back or front end. There are several factors to consider before picking out a wheelchair, including your dog’s age, weight, size, and health, and whether he can put weight on his front legs, back legs, or both. Your vet will be able to give you specific advice on whether or not your canine pal is a good candidate for a wheelchair and, if he is, what type would suit him best.

Walk N’ Roll

Dogs aren’t the only animals benefiting from wheelchairs. Some of the other animals you may see rolling around include cats, rabbits, goats, sheep, and ducks! If you want to help pets in wheelchairs, consider contributing to the Frankie Wheelchair Fund or another animal charity.

Do you have questions about dogs on wheels? Contact us, your Burlington, ON animal hospital, today! 

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