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Taking Your Dog Camping

July 15, 2021

Do you like getting away from it all, and spending time in the Great Outdoors? If so, your canine pal will likely be more than happy to accompany you. Dogs make great hiking buddies! Just be sure to put your pup’s health and safety first. A Burlington, ON vet offers some advice on taking Fido camping in this article.


Not all of our canine companions are cut out for tent life. In fact, some are more ‘glampers’ than campers. Older pooches, small breeds, and pups with medical conditions might do just fine camping in cabins, RVs, or yurts, but may be uncomfortable roughing it. It really just depends on the dog and the campsite. Ask your vet for specific advice.


Before going camping, Fido should be fixed, microchipped, and wearing ID tags. You’ll also want to make sure that he is caught up on his vaccines and parasite control. It’s also very important for your dog to obey simple commands, such as Sit, Stay, Heel, Come , and Lay Down . (Of course, these things are important at all times, not just when you and your furry friend are heading out to the wild.)


You’ll need to pack a few things for your pup. Fido’s ‘doggy bag’ should contain food, toys, treats, dishes, towels, a pet first-aid kit, and a tie-out line. If you’re going to be near water, add a doggy lifejacket as well. Your pooch will also need bedding, unless you’re planning to let him bunk with you. Pack extra food and treats, just in case.


We recommend bringing fresh water along. Try not to let your furry bff drink ‘wild’ water. If you’re getting water from a lake or stream, boil or treat it before giving it to your pooch.


Dogs can get a bit too enthusiastic about exploring places or chasing squirrels. Fido’s inquisitive nature can lead him right into trouble. Keep a close eye on your pet, and don’t let him run around off-leash. Other potential dangers include campfires, wild animals, trash bins, and toxic plants. If you’re not familiar with the area you’re visiting, do plenty of research and make sure you’re aware of local hazards, such as bears or blue-green algae blooms.

As your Burlington, ON veterinary clinic, we’re dedicated to offering great veterinary care. Please reach out to us for your dog’s veterinary care needs.

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