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Is Your Cat Bored?

May 15, 2021

Did you know that cats can get bored? We know, boredom doesn’t sound like a very big problem for our feline friends. After all, Fluffy seems quite content doing as little as possible most of the time. However, your furball does need some ways to amuse herself in between those 32 daily naps. A Burlington, ON vet discusses kitty boredom in this article.

F  luffy’s Emotional Health

All of our animal companions need some form of enrichment. Even reptiles need things to climb and explore. Kitties that go outdoors can amuse themselves by hunting and exploring. Unfortunately, these can be dangerous pastimes for Fluffy. Your adorable pet is much better off staying inside! However, indoor cats can get very bored and restless if they have nothing to do but stare at the walls.

Signs Of Boredom

Your cat can’t tell you if she’s bored, so she may express her frustration in other ways. Some kitties act up, and do things like soiling inappropriately, overgrooming themselves, or acting clingy or aggressive. These can also be signs of medical issues, so contact your vet if you notice any of them. Fluffy may also try to entertain herself by wreaking some kitty havoc. She may scale your counters or bookshelves, or climb through your blinds so she can look outdoors. This can be dangerous, so get a window treatment that’s a bit safer for your furry pal.

Keeping Kitty Entertained

So, just how does one keep a cat entertained? Toys are of course the obvious choice here. Fluffy should have some things she can play with by herself, but she’ll also need playthings you can use together. Daily play sessions are great for providing our feline pals active and entertained! A good window seat is also a safe bet. Choose a window with a good view, so your furball can watch birds and squirrels. You can also give your kitty things to sniff and explore. Set out some pet-safe plants for her to nibble on! You’ll find a full list online at the ASPCA website here . Your little friend will also enjoy having things like newspaper tunnels, cardboard boxes, and pet tents to explore. If you want to go all-out, try playing some shows made for cats. (Results may vary.)

Please reach out if ever we can be of assistance. As your Burlington, ON veterinary clinic, we’re here to help!

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