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Mud Season With Fido

April 1, 2021

Spring is fin ally here. While many of us are looking forward to sunny days, we may have some soggy ones to get through first. That old adage about April showers tends to be true more often than not! Those of you with canine buddies may find yourselves dealing with more mud than usual over the next few months. We can help! Read on as a Burlington, ON vet offers some advice on getting through mud season with Man’s Best Friend.


Pawprints are more or less par for the course at this time of year. However, you don’t have to throw in the towel: try using it! Keep paw wipes, rags, or old towels near the door, along with a spray bottle filled with water. Wipe your pup’s paws down before you bring him in.

Floor Coverings

You can also put bathmats down both in and outside the door Fido comes in and out of. These are made to hold water. Plus, the fibers can help clean your furry pal’s paws. When mud season is over, toss it in the wash and store it for next year. It’s not a bad idea to set out runners, either.


These days, the re are gadgets on the market for almost anything pet-related you could think of, from automated feeders to nail grinders for trimming claws. There are also some for cleaning Fido’s paws. If you’re in a very muddy spot, it may be worth your while to look into these. As always, check reviews before buying.


If you want a more low-tech solution, you may be able to teach Fido to clean his own paws. Don’t forget to offer lots of treats and praise! 


Do you like to take your canine companion out and about with you? You may want to put a blanket down in your c ar, and get some heavy-duty floor mats.


No matter what you do, you’ll end up getting some mud on the floor. Spray mops will make quick work of Fido’s pawprints.


Many dogs don’t get bathed as much in winter as they do in warm weather. Fido is probably ready for a beauty session! You may want to schedule a trip to the salon.

Please do not hesitate to reach out if ever we can be of assistance. As your local Burlington, ON veterinary clinic, we’re here to help.

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