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Holidays With Kitties

December 15, 2019

The holidays are officially here! No cozy holiday scene is complete without a purring cat. As it turns out, our feline pals have some holiday traditions of their own! Read on as a local Burlington, ON vet discusses spending the holidays with Fluffy.


Don’t forget to put a few things in Fluffy’s stocking! Toys and treats are always great gifts for cats. Your furball will also appreciate a new bed, a scratching post, or some pet furniture. Some other options include kitty fountains, catnip plants, and remote-controlled mice. Of course, don’t forget to offer your furry buddy some empty boxes when everyone has finished opening their presents!


Kitties have very distinctive purrsonalities. Some are fearless and friendly, while some are timid and shy. If your furball is a scaredy-cat, she may become quite uneasy if you host events. Put Fluffy in a quiet back room with food, toys, and treats, and let her sleep through the festivities.


This can be a dangerous time for our feline friends. Seasonal plants are one concern. Many popular ones, such as holly, ivy, poinsettia, and mistletoe, are toxic to cats. You’ll also want to keep your kitty in mind as you decorate. Tinsel, ribbons, electric lights, pine needles, and ornament hooks are just a few things that can choke or injure playful pets.


Food is a central part of many holiday traditions. It’s hard to resist those mouthwatering seasonal treats! You can give your feline buddy a special snack. Just stick to things that are safe for her. Plain, cooked meat, fish, or chicken, without the skin, bones, or fat, is always a good bet. Fluffy may also enjoy some canned tuna or chicken in water, sodium-free broth, or shredded deli meat.

The Tree

For some of us, the holiday season hasn’t officially started until our cats start batting at ornaments. Attacking trees is one of Fluffy’s favorite traditions! We recommend putting just a few unbreakable ornaments on the bottom part of the tree. Keep the majority of the decorations—including lights and anything shiny or fragile—on the top half. If you have a super-frisky furball, use fishing line to secure the top part of the tree to the wall or ceiling.

Happy Holidays! Please reach out to us, your Burlington, ON vet clinic, for all of your pet’s veterinary care needs. We’re here to help!

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